you're nickname is very (как сказать палевный по буржуйски?) is very draws attention.
try to make you own script. it is not very difficult
first you need a plan. (не наркота!)
1. take target npc market
2. take target one more for open fist dialog with npc
3. choice weapon url in this dialog
4. buy weapon
(tracking inventory update pocket for id of this weapon)
5. target again for open first dialog
6. choice enchant url in this dialog
7. buy this enchant
(tracking inventory update pocket for id of this enchant)
8. send pocket use item with id of this enchant (7)
9. choice you weapon by id (4)
10. tracking result - if item broken repeat from begin (go to 1), if successfully - check number of enchants. if this number is what you need (+20 for example) so go again to begin. is low then +20, than repeat from 5.
so for all night this bot can make a few items +20. of course if you server has normal chance for enchant. some admins make very low chance, in this case make this item+20 take very long time.