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Скриптинг Форум посвещенный созданию скриптов для L2PacketHack

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Старый 08.05.2008, 23:51   #1
Регистрация: 22.04.2008
Сообщений: 21
Сказал Спасибо: 8
Имеет 26 спасибок в 6 сообщенях
poizon пока неопределено
По умолчанию Работа с инвентарём

вот это очень сложная вешь.
вобщем при появлении в мире сервак высылает пакет 1b
со списком всех предметов и их количеством.
я с базами в скрипте вообще не понимаю как работать помогите пожалуйста.
нужно чтобы скрипт обрабатывал пакет 1b и выдавал инфу о имеющихся предметах, в начале скрипта которые задаются (задаём ид предметов , допустим 5 штук, они ищет есть ли такие предметы в пакете и записывает количество предмета(12 анимал скина например) в переменную )

вот пример пакета

[2022]          S>c             0ms.            22:42:56
 TType: LA2     Server: GS1     ParseType: 2 (auto)    EnCode: DT2 KT2 (auto)
------- 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 -  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F    -------------------
000000 F3 04 1B 00 00 23 00 04 | 00 89 8C 30 40 5C 07 00     
000010 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    
000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 04 00 53 AB 3A    
000030 40 4C 07 00 00 01 00 00 | 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00    
000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04     
000050 00 DF C3 35 40 4A 07 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00
000060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    
000070 00 00 00 04 00 D1 C3 35 | 40 57 07 00 00 01 00 00
000080 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    
000090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 | 00 AC FE 3B 40 50 07 00
0000A0 00 15 00 00 00 05 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    
0000B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 04 00 9B 6B 3B    
0000C0 40 4E 07 00 00 08 00 00 | 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00    
0000D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04     
0000E0 00 3E 3C 3A 40 49 07 00 | 00 1B 00 00 00 05 00 00    
0000F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     
000100 00 00 00 00 00 71 6B 3B | 40 70 00 00 00 01 00 00     
000110 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 06 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     
000120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 05 11 3C 40 74 00 00     
000130 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 | 00 01 00 30 00 00 00 00     
000140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 04 00 35 09 3C    
000150 40 9D 16 00 00 58 02 00 | 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00    
000160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04     
000170 00 EB 53 37 40 4B 07 00 | 00 1D 00 00 00 05 00 00
000180 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    
000190 00 00 00 04 00 AA 6B 3B | 40 39 00 00 00 0C 69 0D
0001A0 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0001B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 | 00 A2 8C 30 40 D4 15 00     .........ўЊ0@Ф..
0001C0 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0001D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 01 00 4C FD 3A     .............Lэ:
0001E0 40 7B 04 00 00 01 00 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00     @{..............
0001F0 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01     ................
000200 00 87 6B 3B 40 7A 04 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00     .‡k;@z..........
000210 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
000220 00 00 00 00 00 6D 6B 3B | 40 0A 00 00 00 01 00 00     .....mk;@.......
000230 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     .......Ђ........
000240 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 68 C1 32 40 42 09 00     .........hБ2@B..
000250 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00     ...........Ђ....
000260 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 04 00 45 07 3C     .............E.<
000270 40 4F 07 00 00 28 00 00 | 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00     @O...(..........
000280 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04     ................
000290 00 70 0F 3C 40 B2 05 00 | 00 25 0F 00 00 05 00 00     .p.<@І...%......
0002A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0002B0 00 00 00 04 00 48 0F 3C | 40 24 04 00 00 26 00 00     .....H.<@$...&..
0002C0 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0002D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 | 00 4A 6A 30 40 81 07 00     .........Jj0@Ѓ..
0002E0 00 02 00 00 00 05 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0002F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 04 00 3B 6A 30     .............;j0
000300 40 51 07 00 00 4F 00 00 | 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00     @Q...O..........
000310 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04     ................
000320 00 8F 6B 3B 40 2B 07 00 | 00 10 02 00 00 05 00 00     .Џk;@+..........
000330 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
000340 00 00 00 00 00 79 59 3A | 40 70 00 00 00 01 00 00     .....yY:@p......
000350 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 06 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
000360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 7D 59 3A 40 70 00 00     .........}Y:@p..
000370 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 | 00 01 00 06 00 00 00 00     ................
000380 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 2C 0D 39     .............,.9
000390 40 74 00 00 00 01 00 00 | 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 30     @t.............0
0003A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0003B0 00 2C 08 38 40 74 00 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00     .,.8@t..........
0003C0 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ...0............
0003D0 00 00 00 00 00 21 AC 3B | 40 76 00 00 00 01 00 00     .....!¬;@v......
0003E0 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 08 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0003F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 55 98 3B 40 35 05 00     .........U˜;@5..
000400 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 01 00 00 40 00 00 00     ............@...
000410 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 01 00 2A 61 3B     .............*a;
000420 40 32 00 00 00 01 00 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00     @2..............
000430 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01     ................
000440 00 28 AC 3B 40 26 00 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00     .(¬;@&..........
000450 00 01 00 00 10 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
000460 00 00 00 01 00 1C DE 3A | 40 2C 00 00 00 01 00 00     ......Ю:@,......
000470 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 40 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     .......@........
000480 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 | 00 F3 61 3B 40 1F 00 00     .........уa;@...
000490 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00     ................
0004A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 01 00 A0 61 3B     .............*a;
0004B0 40 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 | 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00     @...............
0004C0 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04     ................
0004D0 00 55 0D 39 40 48 07 00 | 00 0C 00 00 00 05 00 00     .U.9@H..........
0004E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
0004F0 00 00 00                                              ...
LA2:      "ItemListPacket"                   size: 1267   prot: 750  $2EE
Addr:  Size:    Type:         Description:     Value:
0000     2   word          psize             1267       |                             
0002     1   byte          ID                27         | $1B                               
0003     2   word          window            0          |                            
0005     2   word          ListCount         35         |                           
0007     2   word          itemType1         4          |                           
0009     4   integer       ObjectId          1076923529 |                     
000D     4   integer       ItemID            Cord  ($0000075C)                         
0011     4   integer       count             1          |                       
0015     2   word          itemType2         5          |                       
0017     2   word          CustType1         0          |                            
0019     2   word          isEquipped        0          |                         
001B     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
001F     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0021     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0023     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0027     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
002B     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
002D     4   integer       ObjectId          1077586771 | $403AAB53                         
0031     4   integer       ItemID            Thread  ($0000074C)                       
0035     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0039     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
003B     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
003D     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
003F     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0043     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0045     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0047     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
004B     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
004F     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0051     4   integer       ObjectId          1077265375 | $4035C3DF                         
0055     4   integer       ItemID            Suede  ($0000074A)                        
0059     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
005D     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
005F     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0061     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0063     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0067     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0069     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
006B     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
006F     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0073     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0075     4   integer       ObjectId          1077265361 | $4035C3D1                         
0079     4   integer       ItemID            Cokes  ($00000757)                        
007D     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0081     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
0083     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0085     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0087     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
008B     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
008D     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
008F     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0093     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0097     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0099     4   integer       ObjectId          1077673644 | $403BFEAC                         
009D     4   integer       ItemID            Animal Bone  ($00000750)                  
00A1     4   integer       count             21         | $00000015                         
00A5     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
00A7     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
00A9     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
00AB     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
00AF     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
00B1     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
00B3     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
00B7     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
00BB     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
00BD     4   integer       ObjectId          1077635995 | $403B6B9B                         
00C1     4   integer       ItemID            Coal  ($0000074E)                         
00C5     4   integer       count             8          | $00000008                         
00C9     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
00CB     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
00CD     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
00CF     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
00D3     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
00D5     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
00D7     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
00DB     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
00DF     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
00E1     4   integer       ObjectId          1077558334 | $403A3C3E                         
00E5     4   integer       ItemID            Varnish  ($00000749)                      
00E9     4   integer       count             27         | $0000001B                         
00ED     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
00EF     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
00F1     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
00F3     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
00F7     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
00F9     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
00FB     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
00FF     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0103     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
0105     4   integer       ObjectId          1077635953 | $403B6B71                         
0109     4   integer       ItemID            Apprentice's Earring  ($00000070)         
010D     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0111     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
0113     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0115     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0117     4   integer       BodyPart          6          | $00000006                         
011B     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
011D     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
011F     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0123     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0127     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
0129     4   integer       ObjectId          1077678341 | $403C1105                         
012D     4   integer       ItemID            Magic Ring  ($00000074)                   
0131     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0135     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
0137     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0139     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
013B     4   integer       BodyPart          48         | $00000030                         
013F     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0141     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0143     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0147     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
014B     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
014D     4   integer       ObjectId          1077676341 | $403C0935                         
0151     4   integer       ItemID            Soulshot: No Grade for Newbies  ($0000169D
0155     4   integer       count             600        | $00000258                         
0159     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
015B     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
015D     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
015F     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0163     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0165     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0167     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
016B     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
016F     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0171     4   integer       ObjectId          1077367787 | $403753EB                         
0175     4   integer       ItemID            Animal Skin  ($0000074B)                  
0179     4   integer       count             29         | $0000001D                         
017D     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
017F     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0181     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0183     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0187     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0189     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
018B     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
018F     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0193     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0195     4   integer       ObjectId          1077636010 | $403B6BAA                         
0199     4   integer       ItemID            Adena  ($00000039)                        
019D     4   integer       count             878860     | $000D690C                         
01A1     2   word          itemType2         4          | $0004                             
01A3     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
01A5     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
01A7     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
01AB     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
01AD     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
01AF     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
01B3     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
01B7     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
01B9     4   integer       ObjectId          1076923554 | $40308CA2                         
01BD     4   integer       ItemID            Tutorial Guide  ($000015D4)               
01C1     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
01C5     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
01C7     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
01C9     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
01CB     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
01CF     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
01D1     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
01D3     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
01D7     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
01DB     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
01DD     4   integer       ObjectId          1077607756 | $403AFD4C                         
01E1     4   integer       ItemID            Squire's Pants  ($0000047B)               
01E5     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
01E9     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
01EB     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
01ED     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
01EF     4   integer       BodyPart          2048       | $00000800                         
01F3     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
01F5     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
01F7     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
01FB     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
01FF     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
0201     4   integer       ObjectId          1077635975 | $403B6B87                         
0205     4   integer       ItemID            Squire's Shirt  ($0000047A)               
0209     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
020D     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
020F     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0211     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0213     4   integer       BodyPart          1024       | $00000400                         
0217     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0219     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
021B     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
021F     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0223     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
0225     4   integer       ObjectId          1077635949 | $403B6B6D                         
0229     4   integer       ItemID            Dagger  ($0000000A)                       
022D     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0231     2   word          itemType2         0          | $0000                             
0233     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0235     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0237     4   integer       BodyPart          128        | $00000080                         
023B     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
023D     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
023F     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0243     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0247     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
0249     4   integer       ObjectId          1077068136 | $4032C168                         
024D     4   integer       ItemID            Guild Member's Club  ($00000942)          
0251     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0255     2   word          itemType2         0          | $0000                             
0257     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0259     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
025B     4   integer       BodyPart          128        | $00000080                         
025F     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0261     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0263     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0267     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
026B     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
026D     4   integer       ObjectId          1077675845 | $403C0745                         
0271     4   integer       ItemID            Charcoal  ($0000074F)                     
0275     4   integer       count             40         | $00000028                         
0279     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
027B     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
027D     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
027F     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0283     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0285     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0287     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
028B     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
028F     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0291     4   integer       ObjectId          1077677936 | $403C0F70                         
0295     4   integer       ItemID            Crystal: D-Grade  ($000005B2)             
0299     4   integer       count             3877       | $00000F25                         
029D     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
029F     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
02A1     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
02A3     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
02A7     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
02A9     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
02AB     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
02AF     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
02B3     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
02B5     4   integer       ObjectId          1077677896 | $403C0F48                         
02B9     4   integer       ItemID            Lesser Healing Potion  ($00000424)        
02BD     4   integer       count             38         | $00000026                         
02C1     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
02C3     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
02C5     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
02C7     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
02CB     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
02CD     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
02CF     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
02D3     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
02D7     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
02D9     4   integer       ObjectId          1076914762 | $40306A4A                         
02DD     4   integer       ItemID            Leather Shoes Texture  ($00000781)        
02E1     4   integer       count             2          | $00000002                         
02E5     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
02E7     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
02E9     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
02EB     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
02EF     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
02F1     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
02F3     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
02F7     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
02FB     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
02FD     4   integer       ObjectId          1076914747 | $40306A3B                         
0301     4   integer       ItemID            Silver Nugget  ($00000751)                
0305     4   integer       count             79         | $0000004F                         
0309     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
030B     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
030D     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
030F     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0313     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0315     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0317     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
031B     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
031F     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
0321     4   integer       ObjectId          1077635983 | $403B6B8F                         
0325     4   integer       ItemID            Soulshot: No Grade  ($0000072B)           
0329     4   integer       count             528        | $00000210                         
032D     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
032F     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0331     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
0333     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
0337     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0339     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
033B     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
033F     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0343     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
0345     4   integer       ObjectId          1077565817 | $403A5979                         
0349     4   integer       ItemID            Apprentice's Earring  ($00000070)         
034D     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0351     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
0353     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0355     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
0357     4   integer       BodyPart          6          | $00000006                         
035B     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
035D     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
035F     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0363     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0367     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
0369     4   integer       ObjectId          1077565821 | $403A597D                         
036D     4   integer       ItemID            Apprentice's Earring  ($00000070)         
0371     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0375     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
0377     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0379     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
037B     4   integer       BodyPart          6          | $00000006                         
037F     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0381     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0383     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0387     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
038B     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
038D     4   integer       ObjectId          1077480748 | $40390D2C                         
0391     4   integer       ItemID            Magic Ring  ($00000074)                   
0395     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0399     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
039B     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
039D     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
039F     4   integer       BodyPart          48         | $00000030                         
03A3     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
03A5     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
03A7     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
03AB     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
03AF     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
03B1     4   integer       ObjectId          1077413932 | $4038082C                         
03B5     4   integer       ItemID            Magic Ring  ($00000074)                   
03B9     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
03BD     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
03BF     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
03C1     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
03C3     4   integer       BodyPart          48         | $00000030                         
03C7     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
03C9     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
03CB     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
03CF     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
03D3     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
03D5     4   integer       ObjectId          1077652513 | $403BAC21                         
03D9     4   integer       ItemID            Necklace of Magic  ($00000076)            
03DD     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
03E1     2   word          itemType2         2          | $0002                             
03E3     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
03E5     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
03E7     4   integer       BodyPart          8          | $00000008                         
03EB     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
03ED     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
03EF     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
03F3     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
03F7     2   word          itemType1         0          | $0000                             
03F9     4   integer       ObjectId          1077647445 | $403B9855                         
03FD     4   integer       ItemID            Brandish  ($00000535)                     
0401     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0405     2   word          itemType2         0          | $0000                             
0407     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0409     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
040B     4   integer       BodyPart          16384      | $00004000                         
040F     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0411     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0413     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0417     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
041B     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
041D     4   integer       ObjectId          1077633322 | $403B612A                         
0421     4   integer       ItemID            Leather Gloves  ($00000032)               
0425     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0429     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
042B     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
042D     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
042F     4   integer       BodyPart          512        | $00000200                         
0433     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0435     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
0437     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
043B     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
043F     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
0441     4   integer       ObjectId          1077652520 | $403BAC28                         
0445     4   integer       ItemID            Low Boots  ($00000026)                    
0449     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
044D     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
044F     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0451     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
0453     4   integer       BodyPart          4096       | $00001000                         
0457     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
0459     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
045B     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
045F     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0463     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
0465     4   integer       ObjectId          1077599772 | $403ADE1C                         
0469     4   integer       ItemID            Leather Helmet  ($0000002C)               
046D     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0471     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
0473     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0475     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
0477     4   integer       BodyPart          64         | $00000040                         
047B     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
047D     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
047F     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
0483     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
0487     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
0489     4   integer       ObjectId          1077633523 | $403B61F3                         
048D     4   integer       ItemID            Bone Gaiters  ($0000001F)                 
0491     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
0495     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
0497     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
0499     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
049B     4   integer       BodyPart          2048       | $00000800                         
049F     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
04A1     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
04A3     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
04A7     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
04AB     2   word          itemType1         1          | $0001                             
04AD     4   integer       ObjectId          1077633440 | $403B61A0                         
04B1     4   integer       ItemID            Bone Breastplate  ($00000018)             
04B5     4   integer       count             1          | $00000001                         
04B9     2   word          itemType2         1          | $0001                             
04BB     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
04BD     2   word          isEquipped        1          | $0001                             
04BF     4   integer       BodyPart          1024       | $00000400                         
04C3     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
04C5     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
04C7     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
04CB     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000                         
04CF     2   word          itemType1         4          | $0004                             
04D1     4   integer       ObjectId          1077480789 | $40390D55                         
04D5     4   integer       ItemID            Stem  ($00000748)                         
04D9     4   integer       count             12         | $0000000C                         
04DD     2   word          itemType2         5          | $0005                             
04DF     2   word          CustType1         0          | $0000                             
04E1     2   word          isEquipped        0          | $0000                             
04E3     4   integer       BodyPart          0          | $00000000                         
04E7     2   word          EnchantLevel      0          | $0000                             
04E9     2   word          CustType2         0          | $0000                             
04EB     4   integer       AugId             0          | $00000000                         
04EF     4   integer       Shadowtime        0          | $00000000

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